Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Bavarian Radio Portrait of Rachel Carson

With Christof Mauch on Slow Hope


Bayern 2 produced this short audio portrait of Rachel Carson's life and work as part of its "Notizbuch" series, which features the RCC's director Christof Mauch talking about Slow Hope. While it is the biography and thinking of the influential nature writer that is the focus of this mini-documentary, it also reflects on the power of the written work in making change in the world. Carson is best known as the author of the revolutionary book Silent Spring (published in German as "Der stumme Frühling"), which argued for the importance of biodiversity in the face of increasing and unregulated pesticide use, in particular DDT. In the midst of current fears about the declining insect populations and increasing pollution, Carson's words are well worth re-reading. You can read more about the impact of Silent Spring in this issue of the RCC Perspectives, published in 2012 to commemorate the anniversary of the book's publication in 1962 and free to download, and in the digital exhibition on the Environment & Society Portal.

Click here to listen to the program (in German)