RCC Doctoral Students Attend Workshop in China
Environment and Society doctoral candidates Martin Meiske, Yolanda López and Annka Liepold participated in the workshop "Transformations of the Earth" at Renmin University in Beijing China, along with doctoral students and early post-docs from around the world. During the three-day workshop, their papers "The Birth of Geoengineering: Large-Scale Engineering Projects as Laboratories of the Anthropocene" (Meiske), "Socio-Ecological Transformations within the Mayan Area of Yucatan, Mexico: Past and Present of a Water-Oriented Complex Society" (López), and "Globalizing Corn: Transformations in Olivia’s Corn Seed Industry"(Liepold) were discussed.
The Rachel Carson Center director Christof Mauch and former fellows Shen Hou, Mingfang Xia, and Lise Sedrez acted as session moderators. Donald Worster gave the keynote speech, entitled "The Good Muck: Bodies, Nutrients, and Resources in China’s Environmental History."
The workshop marked the third year of the RCC's collaboration with the Center for Ecological History at Renmin University.