German Ministers Visit the Anthropocene Exhibition
Prominent visitors at the Anthropocene Exhibition. Left to right: Wolfgang M. Heckl (Director General of Deutsches Museum), Ministers Gerd Müller and Peter Altmaier, and RCC Director Helmuth Trischler.
On 15 September the Deutsches Museum hosted a Zukunftskongress (Future Congress) together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Club of Rome; the event brought together international visionaries, experts, and activists to discuss ways to tackle problems such as climate change and hunger and move towards a more sustainable society.
In attendance were representatives of the German federal government—Peter Altmaier (Chief of the Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Affairs) and Gerd Müller (Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development)—who enjoyed a tour of the special exhibition "Welcome to the Anthropocene."