News from the Environment & Society Portal
New timeline feature, 100th Arcadia article, and more
We are proud to launch a new interactive Timeline for browsing of Portal content. Give our beta version a whirl and send your feedback.
Arcadia, our peer-reviewed e-publication for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories, founded by the RCC and ESEH, will soon celebrate its 100th publication! Discover emerging research in global environmental history and related fields, and circulate our new call for papers. We look forward to your submissions!
Looking for environmental films for a course? Our enhanced collection profiles nearly 250 films, streams trailers or full-length films, and links to further reading. Many are now available at the RCC Library for viewing or screening at the RCC.
We invite current and alumni RCC fellows to curate small thematic multimedia collections like this pilot project by Nuno Luis Madureira on “Energy Transitions.” Talk to Kimberly Coulter or Ruhi Deol to learn more, or…
Join us for a brown bag lunch “virtual tour” of the Portal on Tuesday 18 October at 12:15 in the RCC 4th floor conference room.