Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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RCC Alumnus Mike Hulme Announces Major Publication


SAGE Publications has just published a six-volume reference work Climate and Cultures edited by RCC Alumnus Mike Hulme.

Climates change physically, but climates can also change ideologically. What climate means to different people in different places in different eras is not stable. If culture is concerned with how human meaning, symbolism, and practice take on substantive and material forms, then studying climate through culture is likely to be a fruitful activity. This major reference work is a valuable synopsis of a diffuse discourse and captures some of the most important writing on climate and culture that has appeared since the 1980s. Read more on the publisher's website.

Because the set is intended as a reference work that will be mainly published by libraries, Hulme is also working to complete a shorter book-length version for scholars and a more general public. For those of you who can't wait, he also has recent articles on "Climate and Its Changes: A Cultural Appraisal" in Geo: Geography and Environment and a contribution on "Climate" to Environmental Humanities' "Living Lexicon" (both open access).