Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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New Perspectives Issue Introduces Environmental History

English and German Versions of Christof Mauch Essay


"Those of you with no soft spot for environmental history, with all its orchid blooms—well, suit yourselves. But those writing environmental history are interfering—sometimes inadvertently, sometimes advertently and subversively, as in the case of Rachel Carson—in the way we see the world around us."

In this new volume of RCC Perspectives, adapted from a lecture given at the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) of LMU Munich in 2009, RCC Director Christof Mauch highlights how, while people are paying more and more attention to the environment, the discipline of environmental history remains marginal. Yet, Mauch argues, we cannot understand our place in the world or our possible futures without studying environmental history. What we make of our global environment is closely connected to the way that we choose to tell and interpret the story and the stories of the interaction between nature and culture.

This volume contains English and German versions of the essay. To download the volume in .PDF and .mobi formats, please visit the RCC Perspectives website.