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Shane McCorristine Annouces Upcoming Lectures and Publications

Including plans to edit a five-volume collection of source documents


In the coming months, Shane McCorristine is scheduled to present papers regarding Arctic exploration and the supernatural at the London School of Economics, the Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting, the University of St. Andrews, the Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, and the European Society for Environmental History.

McCorristine has also signed a contract with Pickering & Chatto to edit a five volume collection of source documents entitled Spiritualism, Mesmerism, and the Occult: 1800-1920, which will appear in 2013. These sources, which range from nineteenth-century pamphlets and periodicals to manuscript materials, will serve as a reference work for researchers in the historical disciplines interested in dreams, dissociation, hallucinations, telepathy, ghosts, and so on.

McCorristine also announces the upcoming publication of three articles:

  • “William Fletcher Barrett and Psychical Research in Edwardian Dublin.” Estudios Irlandeses 6 (2011): 39-53.
  • Review of Secrets of Women: Gender, Generation, and the Origins of Human Dissection by Katharine Park. Material Culture: Journal of the Pioneer America Society 43, no. 1 (2011): 126-8.
  • "The Place of Pessimism in Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallander Novels.” In Scandinavian Crime Fiction, edited by P. Arvas and A. Nestingen. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011.