Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Reinhold Leinfelder Presents His RCC Research Topic in Europe

Lectures in Vienna, Hamburg, Munich, and Kiel


Reinhold  Leinfelder is further on tour promoting the topic of his RCC activities, the Anthropocene, for difference science and societal communities:

  • Munich: On July 23, Leinfelder gave a talk for young Latin American politicians at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. The talk was entitled, ''The Anthropocene: The New Era of Global Societal Responsibility."
  • Vienna: On September 14, Leinfelder spoke at the Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft on ''Das 'Anthropozän: Ein Neues Forschungsfeld für Stratigraphie, Paläontologie und Geobiologie?"
  • Hamburg: on September 23, Leinfelder is speaking at an international symposium, Limits to the Anthropocene: What are the Boundaries of Human Intervention into Nature?, as part of the KlimaCampus at the University of Hamburg. His talk is entitled ''Towards a Responsible Anthropocene Society: Using Citizen Science and Other Forms of Participation for Biodiversity Conservation and Use.''

    Kiel: On September 30, Leinfelder will be speaking on a topic related to his recently published edited collection (Darwin und kein Ende? Kontroversen zu Evolution und Schöpfung, Kallmeier 2011). His talk will also address hostility towards science and the Anthropocene.