Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Stefania Gallini Announces Sixth SOLCHA Symposium

In Villa de Leyva, Colombia, 2012


The Latin American and Caribbean Society for Environmental History (SOLCHA) is proud to announce its Sixth Symposium, to be held in Villa de Leyva, Colombia on 6-8  June 2012. Following the past events in Chile, Cuba, Spain, Brazi,l and Mexico, we expect to host a stimulating and thoughtful gathering of Latin American as well international scholars.

We welcome proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, and English that deal with any aspect of the relationship between nature and society in a historical perspective. For more information, please visit our website (an English version will be available soon). The submission deadline for papers, panels, posters, or other proposals is 1 December 2011.




Andrés Guhl (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)

Brigitte Baptiste (Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt)

Claudia Leal (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia, Future RCC Fellow, 2012)

Germán Palacio (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Margarita Marino de Botero (Colegio Verde, Colombia)

Stefania Gallini (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Former RCC Fellow, 2010)