Tirza Meyer is a contemporary historian with an interest in the history of maritime law, ocean governance concepts, science and technology and human-ocean relations. She holds a Master’s Degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU), Norway. In 2018, Tirza Meyer finished her dissertation about Elisabeth Mann Borgese’s role as a key figure in the negotiations at the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (1973-1994). She is now working on a post-doctoral project on “Humanoid oceans” which is affiliated with the Humanities Ocean Initiative – NTNU Oceans Pilot on Ethical, Social and Cultural aspects of Ocean Research and Innovation. During her dissertation, Tirza Meyer has been a Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, and collaborated with the International Ocean Institute at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.
RCC Research Project: Humanoid oceans or an ocean of humanoids?
Selected Publications:
- "Quallen aus den Weltmeeren." In Future Food – Die Zukunft der Welternährung, edited by Jan Grossarth, 143-149. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2019.
- "Lachs lässt das Meer kotzen." In Future Food – Die Zukunft der Welternährung, edited by Jan Grossarth, 278-282. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2019.
- "Der Saatgutschatz in der Arktis." In Future Food – Die Zukunft der Welternährung, edited by Jan Grossarth, 267-272. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 2019.
- "The Deep Sea Floor as a Battleground for Justice?" In The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002), edited by Werle Dirk, Paul R. Boudreau et al., 128-133. Leiden, Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2018.
- Elisabeth Mann Borgese - Deep Ideology. NTNU Doctoral thesis, 2018.