Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Guillermo Ospina

Guillermo Andres Ospina, MA

Visiting Scholar

Guillermo Ospina completed a BA in anthropology at the University of Cauca in 2000 and an MA in sustainable development at the University of Valle-Colombia in 2009. He is currently a doctoral student at the University of Cauca, focusing on conflicts related to conservation and livelihoods in the high mountain national parks of Colombia. He is also an assistant professor in the department of anthropology of the University of Cauca, a director of the Social Comparative Studies Group (GESC) where he leads the Society and Environment team, and  a curator at the archaeological department of the Natural History Museum. From 2008–2010, Guillermo worked as a staff member at National Parks Colombia, where he conducted fieldwork on land use and land tenure in protected areas.

Selected publications

  • "Criterios para no-limitar la conservación y la diversidad cultural de los páramos en Colombia." In Visión socioecosistémica de los páramos y la alta montaña colombiana: memorias del proceso de definición de criterios para la delimitación de páramos, edited by Jimena Cortés-Duque and Carlos Sarmiento, 187–208. Bogotá: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2013.
  • Ecología Histórica: Interacciones Sociedad Ambiente a distintas escalas sociotemporales. Pereira, Colombia: Postergraph, 2008. (co-edited with Carlos López)
  • "Mountains in the Context of War in Colombia: Some Geopolitical Considerations." Mountain Research and Development Journal 26, no. 1 (2006): 90–2.
  • "War and Eco-tourism in the National Parks of Colombia: Some Reflections on the Public Risk and Adventure." International Journal of Tourism Research 8, no. 3 (2006): 241–46.
  • Páramos de las Cordilleras Central y Occidental de Colombia. Cali, Colombia: Feriva, 2005. (co-edited with Jorge García, Natalia Gómez, Mónica Hernández, Judith Zuluaga and Diego Garcés).