Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Can Boyacioglu

Dr. Can Boyacioglu

Visiting Scholar


Rachel Carson Center
Leopoldstr. 11a
80802 Munich

Can Boyacioglu is an assistant professor of architectural design at Gebze Technical University, Turkey, with an MSc and a PhD from İstanbul Technical University. Can studies and gives lectures on architectural design praxis, ecological design, architectural theory, design methodologies, and the Anthropocene. He has published articles in international journals on the theory of ecological architecture, design criticism, and theory of art and has won several architectural design awards. His research at the Rachel Carson Center in on Object-Oriented Ontology and funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.

RCC Research Project: Re-Emerging Idea of Nature: Inbetween Environmental Humanities and Architectural Theory

Selected Publications:

  • Ricoeur and Architecture [Mimarlik ve Felsefe]. İstanbul: YEM Yayinlari, 2021.
  • “Steril Mimarliklar: Neoliberal Gelecegin Temassiz Mimari Tasarim Önerileri[Sterile Architectures: Contactless Architectural Design Approaches of Neoliberal Future]. Ege Mimarlik (2020).
  • with N. Ayiran and G. Pulat Gokmen. “Antroposen Cagi’nda Cevreci Mimarligi Tartismak: Post-surdurulebilirlik” [Discussing Environmental Architecture in the Anthropocene Epoch: Post-Sustainability]. Mimarlik (2020).
  • “Yedinci Kitada Antroposen’i Bulmak” [Finding the Anthropocene in the Seventh Continent]. Mimarlik (November – December 2019): 410. 
  • “İnsan ve Sonrası Icin Mimarligin Ekolojisi” [The Ecology of Architecture for the Human and the Afterwards]. In Ters Kose Ekoloji, edited by A. Ciravoglu. Istanbul, 2019.
  • with Pulat Gokmen G. and Ayiran N. “Anthropocene Idea in Modern Avant-Garde Architecture: A Retrospective Discussion on Wright and Fuller.” A/Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture 14, no. 2 (2017): 105–117.