Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Alfredo Ricardo Silva Lopes

Alfredo Ricardo Silva Lopes, M.A.

Visiting Scholar

Alfredo R.S. Lopes received his Bachelor's degree in 2009 and Master's degree in 2011 in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. His Master’s research was focused on environmental degradation and memory. For his current PhD research at the same university, he is analyzing disasters and memory in the south of Santa Catarina State to understand whether the disasters change environmental perception, and how. In his work both environmental history and social history are used to comprehend the process of interactions that create or increase the risk of disasters.

Selected publications:

  • "Situação pós-desastre de 2008 no complexo do Morro do Baú, Ilhota-Vale do Itajaí: a (re)produção social do risco." Cescontexto 1 (2013): 440–463. (Co-authored with Marcos Aurélio Espíndola and Eunice Sueli Nodari)
  • "O que é da natureza não se mexe: memória e degradação ambiental na Lagoa de Sombrio‑SC (1960‑2010)." História Oral (Rio de Janeiro) 15 (2012): 303–330. (Co-authored with Eunice Sueli Nodari)
  • "Memórias coletivas, narrativas infantis: reflexões sobre o evento do Furacão Catarina." História Agora 9 (2010): 1–15. (Co-authored with Eloisa da Rosa Oliveira)