Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Anna Antonova as Academic Lead for the Bulgarian Transition Coastal Lab of EmpowerUs


Anna Antonova, RCC Director of Environmental Humanities Development, has recently taken up an additional research role as Co-I and academic lead for the Bulgarian Black Sea Transition Coastal Laboratory in the Horizon Europe consortium EmpowerUs, which launched at the beginning of October.

EmpowerUs, with the full title “Socio-Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities as Users of the Sea to Ensure Sustainable Coastal Development,” is a research and innovation action funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe program. The project will run for three years—from 2022 to 2025—with a total budget of €6 million, and EU contribution of €5.2 million. The remaining project funding comes from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to support the role of Queen’s University Belfast. The project’s objective is to enable coastal communities to act for change and transition towards sustainable, inclusive, and resilient coastal developments. EmpowerUs will develop an adaptive transformation mechanism via a network of six Transition Coastal Labs across all EU coastal regions to address the myriad of challenges that coastal communities face.

To find out more about the project, please have a look at the press release linked below.
