Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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RCC Partner, Estonian Center of Environmental History (KAJAK), Features on National Television

Historian Libby Robin discusses the new National Museum of Estonia


Historian of science and environment Professor Libby Robin (Australian National University) has appeared on Estonian national television during a visit to the site of the new National Museum of Estonia, which is currently under construction. On the visit she discussed the People and Environment gallery being developed by the museum team in collaboration with Ulrike Plath at the Estonian Center of Environmental History (KAJAK), which is a partner of the RCC.

Robin stated that "usually when people talk about the environment they think about science... this time it's history, and it's how the nature have shaped people and how people have shaped the nature." In the spirit of the Carson Center, she highlighted the importance of the museum for interdisciplinary discourse in environmental studies, supporting "the idea of having a gallery that looks at people and the environment together, and is informed by history, not just by science."

Ulrike Plath of KAJAK will be a Carson fellow as of December 2014. The National Museum of Estonia will open in October 2016.

The video can be viewed here