Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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"Umweltgeschichte(n)" Reviewed in Sehepunkte Journal

Book Co-edited by RCC Alumna Julia Herzberg


Umweltgeschichte(n), edited by Horst Förster, Julia Herzberg, and Martin Zückert, considers whether the relationship between humans and nature has a constitutive character for the historical region of East-Central Europe. Subtitled "Ostmitteleuropa von der Industrialisierung bis zum Postsozialismus" ("East-Central Europe from Industrialisation to Postsocialism"), the collection looks at landscape change, land use, infrastructural development, and nature protection in relation to the social and political development of the region.

The book was recently reviewed in sehepunkt, a German history reviews journal. In the review, the book was praised for providing an orientation towards environmental history for an area that has previously been studied in a narrower fashion.