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Hanna Schösler Announces New Publications

'Sustainable Protein Consumption' and 'The Organic Food Philosophy'


Visiting Fellow Hanna Schösler has completed two further publications on her work on sustainable food consumption. As part of her work at the Institute for Environmental Studies in Amsterdam (VU University), Schösler, together with Annick Hedlund-de Witt, has published a new study entitled Sustainable Protein Consumption and Cultural Innovation: What Businesses, Organizations, and Governments Can Learn from Sustainable Food Trends in Europe and the United States. Schösler also had an article, ''The Organic Food Philosophy: A Qualitative Exploration of the Practices, Values, and Beliefs of Dutch Organic Consumers Within a Cultural-Historical Frame,'' which she co-authored with Joop de Boer and Jan J. Boersema, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.