Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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New Perspectives Issue Explores Neurohistory


Neuroscience offers historians ideas, methods, and questions that can help us understand the past in new and deeper ways than the traditional methods of history alone provide. "Environment, Culture, and the Brain: New Explorations in Neurohistory" collects a number of contributions to the growing field of neurohistory.

A term coined only recently by Daniel Smail, "neurohistory" is a nascent field that synthesizes the insights of neuroscience with those of history to deepen our understanding of the past.

This volume's essays ask questions about the role of biology and the brain in the development of human culture--a problem of relevance to environmental history, because it can help shed light on how people interact with their surroundings.

A result of an interdisciplinary workshop hosted by the RCC in June 2011, the volume is intended to present this young field to a broader audience and spark further discussion and exploration.

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