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Future Fellow Maurits Ertsen Announces Water History Conference

Montpellier, France, June 2013


Future Carson Fellow Maurits Ertsen is co-organizing the Water History Conference, which will take place in Montpellier, France in June 2013 (during Ertsen's fellowship). Read on for more details on the event (sponsored by the International Water History Association):

The International Water History Association is proud to present an update on their upcoming conference in Montpellier, France, 25-29 June 2013. The detailed call for papers will be available in September as well as more detailed information on fees and other practical issues--but reserve the last week of June in 2013 for Montpellier!

The conference will take place from 26 to 28 June 2013 in the archival building of the Conseil General de l'Herault, whose generous support is kindly acknowledged. On 25 June, a trip to the fascinating site of Montady, a 13th century radioconcentric drainage project, will be on offer for those who arrive early. On the night of 27 June, the conference dinner will be held in Chateau de Bocaud, the city of Jacou, near the old noria, which has just been restored by the municipality. On 28 June, IWHA will invite the public of Montpellier to hear our work on water history. For those who want to stay on, Saturday, 29 June will be a day for other possible excursions in the region.