Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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News from Marianna Dudley

Recent Publications and Fellowships


Alumna Fellow Marianna Dudley (2011-12) has been awarded an Early Career Fellowship by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in Great Britain. Her fellowship project will be entitled 'Getting Back to Nature: Access and Recreation in the Protected Spaces of Southwest Britain' and will explore what designations such as National Park and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty have meant for our understandings and uses of landscapes, and the landscapes themselves.  She'll also be looking at how attitudes to recreation have changed, the appeal of these landscapes to practitioners, and ways that protection bodies have responded to the rise of more 'extreme' sports taking place in their areas.  The fellowship will run for 9 months at Bristol University.

Dudley has also published a new book: An Environmental History of the UK Defence Estate, 1945 to the Present (Continuum 2012). Dudley’s book explores the environmental history of the British military through a comparative framework of five key sites in England and Wales.

And, finally, the article that Dudley was writing while in residence at the RCC has been accepted by the Journal of War and Culture Studies. ''Traces of Conflict: Environment and Eviction in Two British Military Training Areas, 1943-Present' will be published in a special 'Traces of Conflict' issue.