Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Die Environmental Humanities: Wie verletzlich ist unsere Welt?

Ringvorlesung Universität Zürich

22.09.2016 18:15  – 20:00 

Location: University of Zurich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, 8006 Zurich, Raum: KO2 F 180

Conveners: Kommission UZH Interdisziplinär, Universität Zürich

RCC Director Christof Mauch's lecture “Die Environmental Humanities: Wie verletzlich ist unsere Welt?” is part of a series hosted by the University of Zurich (a partner of the RCC) entitled “Überleben im Anthropozän – Surviving the Anthropocene: Einblicke in die Environmental Humanities.” This lecture series brings together scholars from various disciplines to answer the question of how we can transform human society to cope with the challenges presented by the Anthropocene. What will such a “Great Transformation” look like and how can we draw inspiration from the past?

This lecture will be held in German. For more information (in German) on the lecture series, please see the website of the University of Zurich.