Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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Postgraduate Forum: Ecocriticism and Globalization

Panel Sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center

21.06.2013 – 22.06.2013

The first Postgraduate Forum “Environment, Literature and Culture” will thematically focus on ecocriticism and globalization. In an RCC-sponsored panel discussion and a reading session, participants will explore the ways in which disciplinary paradigms of “ecocriticism” change through its contact with globalization theories.

Participants will also focus on concepts that try to move beyond the opposition of the “local” as site of environmental affect and attachment and “the global” as site of deterritorialized detachment. Efforts to interpret human environmental experiences with respect to their embeddedness in ecological, economic and political networks of global reach have given rise to eco-global concepts that transcend local determination, such as Ursula Heise’s “eco-cosmopolitanism” (2008) or Joni Adamson’s “eco-global perspectives” characteristic of “third wave ecocriticism” (2010).

Participants will collectively discuss theoretical texts, thesis projects, or parts and chapters of dissertations that deal with topics related to “ecocriticism and globalization.” The aim of this forum is to bring together young scholars and PhD candidates from Germany working on topics related to ecocriticism, green cultural studies, animal studies, and/or environmental risks.

For more information, including the call for papers, please click here.

This event is co-sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center, The Department of New English Literatures, and Cultures and Goethe Graduate Academy.