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Nature by Numbers: Natural Hazard Insurance in Historical Perspective

Panel - American Society for Environmental History


Location: ASEH 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

The panel sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center gave the opportunity to present and further develop recent research into the historical aspects of natural hazard insurance; an area often overlooked by those studying disaster in a historical context.


Chair: Uwe Lübken, Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich, Germany


  • Alexander Hall, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, ‘A Unique Agreement: The Creation and Breakdown of the “Gentleman’s Agreement” for Flood Insurance in the UK’
  • Eleonora Rohland, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany,  ‘Disaster and Insurance: The Development of the National Flood Insurance Program in the Wake of Hurricane Betsy 1965’
  • Franz Mauelshagen, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, Essen, Germany, ‘Insurance, Risk, and Uncertainty: Climate Change and the Historical Experience’

Panel Report (pdf, 153 KB)