Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

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David Blackbourn on "Cultivated Landscape and Wilderness: Some Reflections on the German Case"



Location: Center for Advanced Studies, Seestraße 13, 80802 München

Christof Mauch (RCC)

Sponsors: The Center for Advanced Study, the Institut Technik-Theologie Naturwissenschaften (TTN), and the Rachel Carson Center

David Blackbourn (Harvard University) will speak on "Cultivated Landscape and Wilderness: Some Reflections on the German Case"; Christof Mauch will chair the subsequent discussion. There is also a small reception following the event. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP via phone (089/2180-72080) or e-mail (info@cas.lmu.de).

The event is part of the CAS thematic cluster ''Landwirtschaft zwischen Idyll und Dystopie: Grüne Gentechnik als Projektionsfläche von Naturbildern'' (Agriculture between Idyll and Dystopia: Green Genetic Engineering as a Projection Screen for Images of Nature), organized along with the Institut Technik-Theologie Naturwissenschaften (TTN).