Tuesday Discussion with Matthäus Rest (Social Anthropology, University of Freiburg)
With Short Hands-on Cheesemaking Before the Discussion
14.01.2025 16:30 – 17:45
Location: Rachel Carson Center, fourth floor, Conference Room, Leopoldstr. 11a, 80802 Munich, Germany
Moderator: Anna-Maria Walter
This Tuesday, Matthäus Rest (Social Anthropology, University of Freiburg) will join us for the Tuesday Discussion to talk about “Preserving the Microbial Common: Ancient DNA and Small-Scale Dairying.”
Milk fermentation is a practice where humans, animals, plants and microbes meet and thrive. Humans have used animal milk for millennia and bio-molecular archaeologists use microscopic traces of these interactions to investigate the deep history of species companionship. In collaboration with fermentation activists, they work towards the continuation of the multispecies fermentation collectives that sustain the practices of milk preservation and the protection of dairy microbes from patenting and commodification. To get the conversation going, we will start by making cheese using an ancient recipe that is still used by herders in many regions of Asia.
Everyone who is interested in short hands-on cheesemaking, is welcome to join us for a pre-session right before the Tuesday Discussion, at 15:45, in the fourth-floor conference room.
The Tuesday Discussions are free and open to the public.
For more information on the Tuesday Discussions series, please click here.